Hurricane Isabel, 2003. View from above
“…Sooner or later, depending on the seasonal weather conditions, a temperature gradient of colliding ocean currents reaches a critical value and –
superstorms are born, strikingly different from the usual tropical storms that constantly appear in the coastal waters of South Africa. These superstorms (hurricanes)
are huge cloudy formations (some of which reach the size of several European states) reminiscent of anfractuous Galaxies. They are divided into five categories.
For example, a category 5 superstorm reaches a speed of 155 m.p.h. (248 kilometers/hour) and can go higher. Such a hurricane, on landfall, sweeps away
everything in its path, saturating the ground with billions of tons of water carried in its clouds. This, in full measure, can be called a natural disaster. Of course,
there is no technology that can cope with this. And humans lose heart before this catastrophe, fleeing their homes before a superstorm overtakes them and then goes
on a rampage until it gets exhausted.” (“Taming the Intractables: How to Make Hurricanes Behave”).
From – http://hurricanetrackinfo.com.

Hurricane Isabel, 2003. Bottom view
“…In 2003, some friends of mine who knew about my «joust» with Lily, alerted me to a powerful, new hurricane, «Isabel», barreling down the Eastern
coast and rapidly growing stronger and stronger – even reaching category 4 status while still very far from the coastline. To tackle Isabel, all I had was satellite
photos found on the internet, appearing with a time delay of several hours. Thus, at the very moment I was working on them, Isabel was actually 50-60 miles
away from the photographic site. This, in itself, was hardly an optimal condition for work. However, after my first intervention, the wind velocity stopped
increasing. During the day and a half the wind velocity did not change at all – which in itself is an impossibility…”
(“Taming the Intractables: How to Make Hurricanes Behave”).
From – www.surfersvillage.com.

Hurricane Frances, 2004
“…On the evening of September 1, 2004, the next intervention was made and, again, the wind velocity stopped accelerating and the strength of the hurricane
remained at the same level for more than a day. At the same time, I changed my strategy and tactics slightly by focusing more attention on the fundamental cause
of hurricane formation – a maneuver that gave positive results immediately. Within two days, the hurricane started weakening, dropping from a category 4 to the
lowest range of a category 3; this contradicted all expectations about «normal» hurricanes, which according to physical laws should strengthen over warmer waters.
Though not as dire as a category 4 or 5, a category 3 hurricane still continues to be quite dangerous and destructive. Therefore, I made my next intervention in the
evening of September 3, 2004. And again, following this, wind velocity remained «frozen» (unchanging) as it were, and then the force of the hurricane began
plummeting rapidly. As the hurricane neared the coast of Florida, it continued to weaken – contrary to all the laws about the behavior of hurricanes. Utilizing
direct broadcasting from the east coast of the peninsula, I once more exerted influence on hurricane Frances. It was 1500 hours, USA Eastern Time of September 5.
Following this, the wind velocity dropped sharply on September 6 and 7, the net result of which Florida actually got hit by a category 1 hurricane which quickly
lost its force and turned into a tropical storm…” (“Taming the Intractables: How to Make Hurricanes Behave”).
From – www.tqnyc.org.

The hands of God
This photo was taken somewhere in Florida in August, 2004 when the hurricane Charley “paid a visit” there.
From – http://home.earthlink.net.

Where did the Swastika sign come from?
Here it is! It is of interest, how could our distant “ignorant” ancestors, according to most “scientists”, know about this? In fact the Swastika sign can be
found in many ancient (truly ancient, I would like to emphasize) temples, images, icons, engravings, cloths, etc.
Mesier 101 galaxy. From – http://apod.nasa.gov.

The Milky Way
Observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope in 2005 backed up previously collected evidence that suggested the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy. It
consists of a bar-shaped core region surrounded by a disk of gas, dust and stars. Within the disk region are several arm structures that spiral outward in a
logarithmic spiral shape. The galactic center harbors a compact object of very large mass (named Sagittarius A*), strongly suspected to be a supermassive
black hole.
From – http://gizmod.ru.

This word is translated into Englidh as a “cove” or “creek”. Regrettably, this translation is unable to convey the true meaning of this compound word.
Luk-o-morie, when translated word for word, means a bow-by-the sea.
“…Sometimes fairy tails, which any Russian knows from his childhood, contain such a deep sense that sometimes it takes a breath away! I continue the
analysis of the word “Lukomorie”. “A bow by the sea” means that the coastline of the White Sea coast reminds the form of a bow. But then the question arises:
how did our ancestors know about it, if in order to see the coast line, it was necessary to go up high (very, very high!) above the surface of Earth? The coastline
in the form of a bow can be seen only from the near-earth orbit. However, modern “historians” claim that in those ancient times, when this name appeared,
there were no space satellites in general and wild Slavs could not possibly had them, in particular (the wildness of our ancestors has been hammered in our
heads from our childhood by means of lessons on history at schools, lectures at universities, information in mass media and literature).”
From my book «The Mirror of My Soul» Vol. 1. Chapter 28.

One of the Vaitmars’ landing grounds
“… The most surprising fact is that the relief three-dimensional map which was found by Professor Alexandr Chuvyrov in the southern part of the Urals
contained the image of a rectangular ground of enormous size situated to the West from the Urals. The square of this landing ground for vaitmars and
vaitmans, or more precisely of a huge cosmodrome, is more than 284 square kilometers!!! Such cities like Ufa, Blagoveshchensk, Sterlitamak,
Salavat and smaller towns and villages abutted on them can be easily located in this area! The size of installations which our ancestors erected simply
From my book “Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors”,
Vol.1. Chapter 1.13 |

The Map of the Creator
“… In 1999 a stone plate with a relief image executed with the help of technologies unknown to modern science was found in the southern part of the Urals
near Chandar village. This plate proved to be a relief map of the Ural region with rivers Belaia, Ufimskaya, Sutolka on a scale of 1:1,1 km. In addition to the
natural landscape it has 2 systems of channels with a general extension of 12,000 kilometers and a width of 500 meters each and 12 dams, 300-500 meters wide,
up to 10 kilometers long and up to 3 kilometers deep. There are several types of platforms of unknown purpose near these channels. The plate contains several
inscriptions which “Chinese origin” was not confirmed due to one simple reason – the inscriptions were made by Slavonic-Arian runes.
In order to create similar artefact it is necessary to use the information received from satellites and have available a technology still unknown to modern
civilization. When professor Chuvyrov found this stone map, he also found some notes dated the 18th century in archives of Ufa governor-general. They reported
about 200 stone plates located near the Chandar village, Nurimanov Region. It is supposed that they were parts of the relief map of our planet, Midgard-earth.
New expedition organized by professor Chuvyrov found the second stone plate-map that confirms the historical records…”
From my book “Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors”,
Vol.1. Chapter 1.13

Nobody ever thought of selling Alaska
“…Exactly in the USA I found very curious information. It appears that Russian America was not sold to the USA! The real historical events were completely
different. In 1863-64 two Russian squadrons under the command of rear-admirals S. S. Lesovsky and À. À. Popov participated in military operations on the side
of the federal government of North in order to create a threat for the forces of Great Britain and France which supported South. Thus they served as a major factor
in deterring France and England from entering the war on the Confederate side and helped to the victory of North.
In order to compensate to the Russian Empire the maintenance and munitions costs of these squadrons, the Congress of the United States ratified the payment
under the pretext of payment for the lease of the territory of Russian America for the term of 99 years. Few in the Congress knew that this money intended for the
Russian Empire’s military help.
Lately there was a lot of fuss about the “sale” of Russian America to the USA. However, no one can show the original document of the Treaty for the Purchase of
Alaska, but only its text in which the sum of $7.2 million in gold is stated. However, the full sum for the Russian help was $19 million. Such difference
in sums is explained by the fact that there is only one check of the USA government and… nothing more. Therefore exactly this sum appeared in the Treaty for
the “Purchase”…”
From my book “Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors”,
Vol.1. Epilogue
Giants 1
Some time ago the journal “Vedic culture” published an article “Gods, giants and people” which told about giant skeletons found in India. When checking
this information in internet we found out that the same skeletons were found in Saudi Arabia as well as a lot of yell that all this was a hoax, joke, competition,
etc. Exactly that diligence and energy which certain “well-wishers” applied in order to discredit the photos and the information that there was a time when giants
lived on Earth made us to be on the alert, think a little and carry out some search... Certainly, part of photos is certainly a hoax, as well as almost everything in
our today's life, but the most important thing is that we discovered another piece of the real picture which social parasites concealed and distorted during centuries.
Giants 2
We found evidences of the fact that quite recently pretty high people lived in our midst. They were not giants, but they also were not pygmies: 2,3-2,5 ì.
This is the way the genes of URs, who were pretty high people (3 meters and higher), manifest. Before the beginning of the last Night of Svarog URs left Earth,
conveying the part of their knowledge to Volkhvs, Veduns and Vedunias who was tirelessly destroyed by Christian church during the last millennia (this was the
main purpose of the Saint Inquisition). From:
Giants 3
Here are some photos which show that quite long time ago some skeletons of people who had quite different height and genetics were found.
The skulls from Ika (Peru) and Merida (Mexico)
“…These skulls were photographed by Robert Connolly when he travelled all over the world to gather materials about ancient civilizations. The discovery
of unusual skulls was not included in his program of search and was unexpected. In 1995 Connolly published his photos. His CD was called "The Search for
Ancient Wisdom". There is little information about these skulls. Therefore it is extraordinary difficult to estimate their age, origin and evolutional place among
hominids. The skulls are dramatically different, as though they belong to different biological species which reminding man only slightly. First, what one pays his
attention is the size and form of skulls...”
From – www.biomagic.narod.ru.
The Russian mosaic in a church in Jordan
The BBC television broadcasted Dan Cruickshank’s series “Around the World in 80 Treasures”, charting his five-month trip around the world to visit
eighty man-made artefacts or buildings that he has selected, in order to chart the history of mankind's civilization. In the 4th part of this series called
“From Jordan to Ethiopia” there is a five-minute episode about a small church located in the Jordanian small town Madab, which has nothing special,
except for an ancient mosaic on its floor, which is well worth of paying attention, because the inscriptions are in... Russian Bukvitsa and any Russian can
easily read them even now, for example, the words JERICHO and BETHLEHEM. These photos are screenshots, but, nevertheless, all inscriptions are easily
From – the film “Around the World in 80 Treasures”.
The Generator of Life in action
“…In the vicinity of the Source’s outlets anomalous growth of plants appeared, which the priests could not explain. It appears that the volkhvs did not know
the Source’s mechanism of action on people. Quite possibly the volkhvs-keepers merely knew of the existence and purpose of the Source’s hiding place deep
beneath the earth, without knowing its mechanism of action… Now a few observations about the anomalous vegetative growth in the vicinity of the Source’s
outlets: I was struck by the unusual coincidence of what was happening with my own plant experiments and the reaction of plants adjacent to the Source’s outlets…
I returned to my plant experiments only in 2003 when my wife, Svetlana, designed a park and magnolia garden and began to lay them out on our estate in France…
This gave me the idea of creating a permanent generator similar to the external field described above and burying it in the bowels of the earth beneath our castle.
No sooner said than done. Thus, in 2003, I created an external field generator that provided a biological coefficient close to 30 percent and placed it under our
castle. Since then we have been overseeing the results of the generator’s influence on plants in the park and garden…”
From my article «The Source of Life-1».
The Great Tartary
“…The name of the country – Russia – is descended from other word – “Russea” which in turn was formed from «Russenia». Russenia was the part of an
ancient Slavonic-Aryan Empire and occupied the territory west of the Riphean (the Ural) Mountains. The land to the east of the Urals up to the Pacific Ocean
and further from the Russian North (called Lukomorie) to the Central India was called as the Land of Holy Race (pronounced in Russian as “Sviata Rasa”).
Foreigners named this country differently. One of the last foreign names of this land known in the Europe up to the end of the 18th century was “The Great Tartary”.
According to the first edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771 it was the greatest country of the world. Interested persons can read about this in the contemporary
edition of the encyclopedia…”
From my article «The Untold History of Russia-1».

King Arthur’s Burial Cross
“…On the picture there is an image of a cross from the tomb considered to be the king Arthur tomb. The inscription is of great interest. It can be regarded
to be written in Latin: "Hear lies..." etc. At the same time it is possible to consider that the inscription begins from the Greek word NICIA that means WINNER.
It is also of interest to analize, how the name of the king Arthur is written. We see that it is written like this: REX ÀRTU RIUS. That is TSAR of HORDE of RUS
or TSAR of RUSSIAN HORDE. Pay attention that words ARTU and RIUS are written separately, like two separate words... Later, most likely after the 18th
century the king’s name began to be written as ARTURIUS, uniting two words together, HORDE and RUS, thus, obscuring a pretty clear Russian-Horde origin
of this name-title…”
From – V. Nosovsky, A. Fomenko «The New Chronology of Rus, England and Rome», 2000. Chapter 17, part 14. |